Sunday 26 December 2010


EDWARD AND LITANI! I think it was 3 months ago on September when I did their PRE-WED at local areas. And suddenly, it's their wedding I captured today! It's unbelievable on how fast time really flies! Both of them are very supportive and energetic couple who live life to the fullest with laughters. Seeing them is just like watching comedy drama movie, so lively :)

Anyway, don't need to write more, here are some of their wedding photos which I captured on the day. And just like how we all have seen them around, they are also the same on their wedding too! They laugh while walking down to the aisle and it's really fun seeing them!

CONGRATULATION to  happy-go-lucky couple whom I've known for quite a while. For more photos, you can always check my Page's on facebook under the name of Aozora Photography. And thank you for being my fans and rechecking the photos too! 

Of course, I also captured photo with them too and our photo is the funniest anyway at least for me and for the people in the frame! Both of them told me to hold the bouquet in a hope that I'll be finding my soulmate anytime soon! Aren't they so adorable? ha-ha-ha! AMIN to that brother & sister :)! 

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