Saturday, 1 January 2011

2010 Recalled

Do you see my eyes because seriously, I just realized, I couldn't see my two small eyes! he-he-he! Okay! cut the crap and let's start to write! This time, it's going to be longer post so bare with me =D!

Well, finally and officially we waved goodbye to the beautiful year of 2010. 2010 had been the best year in my whole life so far; a year where each and every little things are going well and walking toward the paths I want them to be at. 2010 is a year where I've learnt and experienced the power of be thankful and saying 'thank you' to every little thing that happened in your daily life though it was a dull day! I've met lots of new people this year more than in previous years and we shared lots of laughters together too! For my best friends, we are still as close or might even be closer this year.

The first few months were a bit tough but it got a lot better each month and awesome sometimes! The first few months were about my parents and their health. It was stressing and that's one of the reasons I quit my job as a Jr. Journalist due to take care of them :)

I had the best party on welcoming the new age of 26 (loving it a bunch). Got to love each and everything about my birthday party! The best birthday party ever and so did on the day of its official party! There were two birthday parties going on that day because I made a surprised for my best friend! Then followed by the awesome trip to Bali and Bandung which was a great escape :)

Done with the fun on for the continously non-stop 4 weeks, I ended the end of the month by went undergo tonsil operation at Singapore. But though, I was on recovering session in Singapore for the next 5 days but I had good times too! This year, I felt so bonding with Singapore and felt like settling down myself as a photographer - at least having my photography's branch in Singapore :-)

September : September was all about 'family bonding time"; precisely, me and mum got closer each time and I think it was the best birthday of her that I had been into. Right on her birthday, I went out with my friends but I made the right decision so I could got her a birthday cake! I knew it's birthday and we should went out for lunch/dinner but we didn't since mum wasn't feeling well. But a week afterwards, me and mum had lunch together then followed by family dinner with her sisters (minus dad like always) and I think it was the best family dinner so far! It was good. and I launched this blog :D!!!

Finally a family photo after a decade :)

October : this is the month where my whole 30 days were busy with work! Took photos every week and the rest of the week days were busy with the editing. So mostly occupied with works and there's no reason for not loving being busy with the job you love :-). I also went to a wedding workshop and thankful that I took a part of it. I met new-rising and senior photographers who are so sweet on giving out tips and sharing experiences - awesome. I knew I got sad for unable to go to Korea due to already pay for the workshop but I made the right decision to stick with it and it was wonderful, Thanks LORD!

November : I went to another photography workshop today and totally disappointed and bored me to death! Anyway for the first and second week of November, I was quite busy but then afterwards, I kept wondering about my "December" and "February". I got January full on schedules but those two months, I wondered what to do anyway! I also captured my friend's sister sweet 17th birthday party and hard to believe that I enjoyed it too! Have to love their totally super friendly family! See, I'm 17!!! Oh yeah, on this month, My hubby is hospitalized as well as the lens! And on the same month too, I had a job to do and my clients were just phew! hardly to be described with good words! I was pissed anyway! 

December : shockingly, everybody was so happy and living life to the fullest unless me, I guess. I had a rough first week with that crazy client I had! they really just needed to learn on how to appreciate their worker, honestly! Then thank GOD, devi made it! She came from Bandung and I had a good escape for the past 4 days! Went for culinary travels, watched movie, and just you know being lazy. Then I went to Bandung for Devi's Pre-Wed and sadly, I was horribly sick! The stupid fever, coughing, sore throat and all the stuff just kicked in. I missed out the fun, lots of it!! 

X-MAS was few days away and yet I was still sick or getting worst! But hard to believe that I was actually having a great X-MAS Eve ( If only I hadn't sick) and you can see the fun in my previous entry including the video too :-)

And surely, I won't forgot 2010 X-MAS where I went to the hospital at 3 am in the morning because I couldn't sleep! My left eye is still red, a bit of fever and coughing all the time, so I just went crazy and went to doctor with mum. Then I was fallen asleep throughout the whole X-MAS and so did the next day too! And the next 3 days after the 26th were just awesome! I felt the joy of late X-MAS spirit as well  with lots of awesome presents too! 

Then New Year eve was great too! I went to my mate's house who held BBQ session at his house! Played the fireworks, captured photos and definitely had lots of laughter too! Though I had to go back home earlier than other (had to shoot wedding in the morning) but once again 2010 had become the best year in my whole life and so did the new year party too! It was a great year to end the year with laughters, delicious food and adorable friends, Thanks!

AND for my love, appreciation and being so blessed in the year of 2010, I made a video by using the song that is the reminder of good life I'm living on. ONE REPUBLIC - GOOD LIFE. The video is quite fast in changing into one scene because It would be kind of lame on making 10 minutes of video, right? but anyway I'm so thankful to the LORD, Universe, Mother, Father, best and good friends (even new friends and enemies) for colored my 2010 life with laughters, angers and lots of things to be thankful off.

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