Saturday 2 October 2010

My OTHER Obsession

Architecture photography is love at the first sight for me. There's just something attractive about buildings; its interior and exterior that caught my full attentions. I don't know why but I just fall in love and because people were laughing at me for such an interest I decided to just ignore this love of mine. But well, time passed, I ignored and I realized (recently), how much I loved taking photos of buildings and its interior too. Well, these photos of some places are randomly taken with no purpose of advertising or anything; just showing my love towards Interior and all these photos are taken with hand-held. Hope, it looks wonderful as it's in my eyes :)

Delightful Saturday :D

CONGRATULATION to myself. I woke up in the morning and checked my BB; got a delighting news from my aunty that one of my photos called "Classical Architecture" apparently made to the TOP 30 which isn't that bad, I think. Felt thankful although I was hoping to be one of the winners (even the favorite ones, would do) but well, not bad achievement of entering the top 30 out of 675 photos (around) being submitted. It's such a relief when I could see the excitement in my mother's voice and a touch of relieved and happiness. Thank YOU LORD, The universe, my beloved mother and of course good and best friends and aunty who had been so supportive and believing I deserved to be a winner. I guess it wasn't a total failure after all; at least my mum was proud of me though I wish I could made her more proud of me. Good starts ^_^

Anyway, IT'S WEEKEND mates and with that good news, I started and ended my Saturday with happiness. I went out with my mate for dinner at this cafe nearby our house call " The Bee's House" at Green Ville. We love the pancake; cheap and delicious but the rest of the food is just ordinary with reasonable price or perhaps cheap? well not that cheap neither but my drink which is the Bee's house coffee or whatever is called isn't recommended at all. Personally, I highly recommended their Pancake which I think its the house specialities along with waffle. Delicious and it only costs 25,000 IDR ($2.50)

Coffee & Cream Pancake with Coffee Ice-Cream 

The Bee's House Appetizer full set

Chicken Steak with Mushroom Sauce

Uh! DON'T DROLL although I love it when those who have seen my photos is craving for it. It's such a good feeling and I made few of my friends drooled over that pancake photo. Well, take a look at us! Look at our face how starving we were but we ended up too full! okay then, I think it's time for us to get back on "dietary"lifestyle! what? what? me and diet? oh no! ha-ha-ha-ha! I LOVE EATING and HAVE A Beautiful Sunday ^_^

Friday 1 October 2010

Lunchie Date wid Mum

My so called " Cheese Delight" from Cheese Cake Factory Tomang, Jakarta. It's good though but I got sick by its taste half way eating the cake. Oh, how much I miss Cheese Cake Factory in Australia! The cheese in Indonesia is just not as tasty as in overseas! 

Cheese delight

Here are our sandwiches. I had no idea why mum ate Sandwich today but she said hers is delicious - The Philli Sandwich (first photo), while mine Chicken with Indian name afterwards is highly NOT recommended. Especially if you are an Indian cuisine lover like myself; It tastes nothing like Indian food; I doubt they even use Indian spices! But their price for the Sandwich is quite reasonable especially with the cozy looking place they have. I think it's around 40,000 IDR ( $4.00)

And our drinks are : Strawberry Milkshake is mine while mum ordered Honeydew Juice. I wish I could had taken better images of our drinks but mum was too thirsty.

And of course I did capture few photos of my beautiful mum while we were waiting for the food. It took quite a while to serve and you could see how bored my mum was at the first photo =P


Done with the lunch date with mum and guess what? I found another beautiful photos of the clouds and its sun. The cloud chaser is back in town ;)

My Blackberry

Hmm! I have nothing to say. Just wanna say this is mine; that's all. I'm not proud of owning it neither; sometimes I turned it off although I bring it everywhere. Anyway, I'm sure I was just too bored until I captured few versions of my BB! And hey! I'm so not addicted to it whatsoever ^_^


Thursday 30 September 2010

Ayana, The Rock Bar

So, I went to Bali on August with mates for couple of days and many told us to visit this bar called The Rock Bar at Ayana Hotel. I saw some photos of my friends who had been there and it's beautiful. Then we got a chance to visit the hotel on our last day before going back to Jakarta. It had been heavy raining throughout our whole way up to this beautiful hotel. And it's sadden us more when we asked the security and he told us that the bar is still closed. It was around 2 PM when we got there but anyway, we still decided to spend some time down there, taking photos and hey, I was left behind. My mates were up at somewhere far, while I really took a lot of time to get into one place! 

Here are the photos that I took with my SLR and of course I retouched the photos with High Pass. This hotel has a very beautiful view and having your PRE-WED photos being taken there is just wow. Its surrounding doesn't make you feel as if you are at Bali; it makes you somewhere in the country side. Luckily, the rain stopped when we got there so some of my photos were kinda cloudy in a way though! ENJOY ^_^

You gotta use that white lift to go down to the bar.

The so called famous bar  and such a pity I couldn't get close since I was in a rush!

 The so called Chapel with very beautiful view