Friday 22 October 2010

IF LIFE is a Movie (A thought)

If your life is a movie, what genre would it be . . . ?

If my life is a movie, my genre would be "Action-Comedy" that talks about passion, patience and power. My life isn't so adventurous, so rocky or so full of obstacles but its more about " the power of happiness" have changed everything. Complicated in terms of emotional problems; full of personality tests where patience heals the wounds.

You know that action comedy movies like Rush Hour, MIB, or Bad boys is quite memorable, positively memorable. Yes, the story itself is predictable but yet you are finding a joy while watching it. You would be spending decent of penny to watch a movie that you know it'll entertain you and the loved ones. A kind movie that is so simple, easy to be digested but so silly, so giggly that make some people as their favorite ones. And this is the kind of movie, I'm facing.

I don't think my life is full of drama although it might do, but I don't feel it in a way. The bad became good when you changed the way you feel about yourself. Of course, no one had a perfect life but shall the past begone. Indeed, the childhood and teenager memories were painful each time I recalled so instead I fixed and rewrite a new story.

History can't be changed (never can) but you can always change the way you bring the story; to either be more heroic, evil or even bringing up the reasons of why the good became bad person and vice-versa. Hating it won't even changed anything neither right? So that's the "action" part of my life story. The past that I had to gone through mentally had became the climax of my past life and history.

BUT now! my life has become more like "comedy". Well drama too but not too dramatic; just a simple drama story - fight and fall in love again. How's that? Yes, that Cinderella story or disney story where life seems so perfect no matter how imperfect its. Cliche as it sounds isn't it? Honestly, no one has a perfect life - money vs love or money & love vs health? Life is fair no matter how we said its unfair. Oh wait, the best way to say is "Life is Balanced" - All must be having happy Endings. I sound like a little kid, am I? but unfortunately, I realized that. Why don't you spend some time to think about the past and present, its balanced isn't it?

why "comedy?" because of love and gratitude. Of course, there are so many things I need to achieve; so many dreams that I hope I can make them true every year or even every month. But most of time it doesn't happen in the way we expected or at the time we have planned. And when its not happened, we'll be sad. And what can cure a sadness and disappointment? in my opinion, nothing but laughter! I read from this book called "The Power" and it said " Love life and life will loved you back", somehow like that. So if you love the failure and lucks in you, a better life will come to you. Crazy thought? why don't you try to feel the magic of happiness!

True, some comedy movie is not funny; they exaggerated the actions with sarcastic jokes but its the spice. Some people would laugh at the jokes and the over-showed actions but some might just be wandering or don't do a thing. But me, personally? most of time I laughed or gave such a "what the F* look". But I guess that's a choice. When you understand what's going on with you, when you clearly able to accept with an open heart, then you might be laughing at yourself, your own life until you dropping tears of happiness.

But, whatever it'll be, just try to cheer yourself more than you let anyone cheer you! You might won't believe me but I must be thankful to ONE REPUBLIC for their encouraging songs. For almost 6-8 months, I've been listening to their song called " GOOD LIFE" through the good or sad moments I'm gone through. I turned the volume up and finally, I found a joy in me. and now, I'm starting to listen to "Marching On", very encouraging and making me want to stand stronger. THANK YOU Ryan Tedder for such an inspiring song! and Also lately, I'm listening to Owl City - To The Sky (it makes me smile ^o^)

Honestly, I don't know how to be rich in term of being so wealthy, how to bring the money or love to you (lover) but one thing I must tell you - BE SELFISH. You must be selfish to yourself and to everyone but everything has its own limit. Selfishness bring disappointment and discouragement but if you are adding a bit of selfishness of you into other people life, it might turns out to bring better outcome for you and that person's life.

What do I mean by Be Selfish? I don't encourage you to overtake people's life or overruled the ones you loved's life but to LOVE YOURSELF A BIT MORE than others. Of course, your family (parents)deserve to have a greater piece of love from you but after that, choose the "other" people wisely. Friendship is about 'take and give'' some are getting more attentions and that because he/she deserves the best from you.

WELL, Do I bore you or do I make you think? I don't know, I don't care but I just feel like writing this random thought of mine from yesterday. Okay Then, hope the article is useful somehow. Anyway, It's Friday, so have a beautiful weekend and remember "Love life and life will loved you back" - simply means ' love yourself and your life for a better life =)

Thursday 21 October 2010

Random F&B

I think this is the first time that I tried to combine banana with bread. This is my favorite Toast bread that I brought from nearby my house called "Bethlehem". Its great and I ordered, Toast Bread with Banana, Chocolate, Cheese with extra milk. If you don't like sweet then you shouldn't add more milk with it. But overall, I love their toast beard. One of the best Roti Panggang I ever had around Jakarta.

I was just randomly picked a drink at Excellso Cafe and this "nutty mocha island" is the ones that interest me the most. Its pretty eye-catchy though and well you just have to mix all of them together. Not too sweet but it blends well. Like it but I'm in love more with their Avocado Coffee better ha-ha-ha! 

One of my friends craved for Meatballs and we decided to just have it at this one of the famous meatball restaurants called "Bakso Jawir". I tried theirs a long time ago and didn't like how it taste. But after ate them again, I found it nice though. It tastes good and I know mum would like it. So I think I should bring her there for a try. The soup is nice so does their meatballs. But honestly? I still in love with Bakso Urat at Sunrise, West Jakarta. Oh! Their Urat meatballs is just Unbeatable! ha-ha-ha-ha!

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Peach Garden

Mum was insisting me pretty badly to eat at this Chinese Restaurant for Dim-Sum. I think "Peace Garden" have several branches but I ate the ones at PX (St. Morris). My aunty told my mum that their Dim Sum is somehow cheap and not that bad neither; so we gave it a try anyway. Here are the food we and I didn't take a photo of their Prawn Chong Fun had no mood of doing so!

My Review :

I'm so sorry but this looking classy restaurant is just not worth to spend your penny at. For the pork itself, it costs around 48 Rb ($4.80) and it tastes like crap. Their whole Dim Sum is also tastelessly crap. And their service? Oh! You really would be so disappointed especially on how it took around 15 minutes or more to serve Chong Fun!! Its kinda over-priced but as long it tastes great then it shouldn't be a matter. The one that has a better taste if those 3 pieces of skinless small bread with egg yolk. Seriously, HIGHLY NOT RECOMMENDED , crap tastes and slow service. NEXT!