Tuesday 21 September 2010

Rain Drops

Okay, this is my so called "prime entry" and since it's raining outside and I feel like writing this blog. So I decided to name it as " Rain drops". And here we go . . . .

I forgot when this photo was taken but I remembered it was taken on my way back home from Bogor (a small city in Indonesia) to Jakarta.

It's raining hard almost everyday in Jakarta and yesterday, there was flood in my suburb! It's sad but thankful enough that the road is somewhat back to normal after an hour or two, I don't know.

The best thing about raining is the 'feeling' it gives to you. For me, it makes me feel so much at peace but the bad thing about it is that, I can't sleep. No matter how much sleepy I'm while its raining, I always ended up awake until the rains stopped.

I'm a big fans of rain; the sound of thunders, the sound of the rain drops and others. Here are some of my rain drops photos that I took


All of the photos above are taken with my Canon 40D with standard lens (18-55 mm) since these are old stocks photos. Okay, ain't much in writing right? I guess I'll be doing well for the rest of the blog entries. Any comments? I'm ready for it! Totally welcome :)

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