Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Halloween Kids Party

PS : Sorry for a very late entry. Halloween was ages ago but I just managed to have time to do some editing.  

I love this kid! He's so adorable and you don't need to tell him what to do, he just know how to be in action. But not just him who are adorable, the rest of cutie pies at Good Shepherd's kindergarden school too. So there was I, holding my camera trying to capture the little angels expressions; trying to be so focused but couldn't stop admiring them inside of my heart - 'aw, so adorable'! 

So there was I celebrating Halloween with these little precious ones although we celebrated earlier. It was fun seeing them roaming around, yelling, posing, and cheering up for each other too. Though there are some ages differences yet they are still able to have fun playing together too. I did forget my 'adultery' world for almost 4 hours because of them and I realized that we need to love life like how a kid love each moment of their freedom! and who's agreeing with me?

They were playing Trick or Treat and musical chairs before they entered the "scary room" that their teachers made. I've to admit the teachers decorated the room spooky enough but these kids weren't even frighten. They didn't care about the spiders, blood patterns or the big skulls that were hanging! Why would they bother when they were allowed to hunt lollies!!! Shockingly, none of them were fighting against each other. They were peacefully looking for their own so called 'lollies territory'; picking up the lollies then roamed around without a need to pull each other leg, cute! :)  

 DONE  with the lollies hunting, its the group photo time and look how it turned out to be! More like I'm capturing Candid group photo but hey, their expressions are priceless. Look, look! Adorable right? and hey some of them even know how to pose properly! But I mean overall, these kids do know and always ready to be in action whenever I approached them, how lovely!


Aren't they just too adorable? I love their costumes too but you know kids; the costumes won't last more than an hour or even less LOL.

O yeah, I forgot to clarify that "Aozora Photography" is the name of my Photography service and all the photos are captured, edited and uploaded by me, myself, and I. Normally, I only do a simple retouching but this time I did it on purpose to do some editing. Simply, I'm adding more of yellow color to each photo and trying to make it like a half vintage and old photo (whatever it's meant to be called). What I wanted to make is that to create the "halloween" spooky but fun feeling so I hope I made it right. If not then I apologized because my photoshop skills is just totally average ^-^

Well what do you think about me and my kids photography? Definitely, I'm looking forward for the comments. Personally, I like the results of the unedited though. Each time I see the photos, I'm still smiling like the time when I captured them. But the most is that, my client likes them. So hope Good Shepherd's Kindergarden likes the original photos (unedited).

Of course there are more photos that will be uploaded later. For more updates, please kindly join my Photography Facebook's Page called Aozora Photography. I try to upload more photos ASAP. Check out more photos from there and please suggest my page to your friends. Thank you so much :D

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