Monday 31 January 2011

Lisung Cafe Review

This is the book menu of a cafe in Bandung, precisely at Jl. Bukit Pakar Timur No.111 called " Lisung Cafe". My friend, Mega wanted to go to this cafe since her friends give a recommendation. So, there four of us who were totally planning on being a cafe hopper that Friday! Look on how happy we really are after our tummy was full with awesome food :)

I don't know why but I'm always so tempted in trying food or beverage with weird name like this drink I've. I'm not quite sure what it's called anyway since I've problem in remembering name but this one is the house specialist's drink - something with volcano I think! Basically, it's coffee with raisins as their topping, strawberry as the drink's decoration and melted chocolate muddy covering half of the glass. Nothing really special about the taste I mean it's just coffee covered with Chocolate basically but once the chocolate mixed with the coffee it tastes quite good though. A must to try! :)
The 4 of us arrived at Lisung with a very hungry stomach and couldn't barely be wait for the food to be served. The service isn't that slow but since we were just totally starving so it made us think it served long. Anyway, the menu I ordered is basically delicious grilled spicy honey duck served with a fried fermented  soya beans, fried tofu that I gave away to my friend and Kerupung (those two whites). Whether its the taste, the portion, or the price itself; both are just awesome - Rp. 27.000 or $2.70, around that price! Seriously, it's so cheap for a price of cafe's food. The duck is being grilled well enough not too spicy nor sweet, it's just excellent.
Followed with my friend's menu that I have no idea what its called although this is the house's speciality too. Overall, it's just fried chicken with fried tofu, nuts rice, and fried fermented soya beans and it also cost around the price above. She loves the food she had and yeah I also had a bit of it and it's good too.
Whether you are local or not, you should try their Nasi Bakar ( Grilled Rice). It serves with Deep Fried Chicken, Fried Tofu and Fried Fermented Soya Beans. There's just something different about usual Grilled Rice. This one is a bit expensive than the rest of us but it's totally worth for the price (can't even be called as expensive neither) and it looks as good as it tastes, no kidding!
Now, let's see the views you'll be getting from this 4 level cafe. For the cafe's view itself... well you couldn't really see its beauty unless at night time. I heard it's beautiful at night time. However, I decided to just take some photos of the views. So don't worry, each level has a different view but the bottom ones is the nicest one with sofa. Although we went there for lunch but the weather is quite chilly too!
The use of traditional touch makes this cafe is the right place to hang out whether with friends/family. Even, you could actually find a cat inside of this cafe which is weird though ha-ha-ha! This cafe have lots of good spots for photography and you can actually do an old village kind of PRE-WED concept. It's such a shame even through each photo I took, you won't be able to see the whole 4 levels or might be perhaps, I should try to take from different angles with wide-lens! Hmm! Let's see :-) And anyway, each level has different seat and I just forgot to take them!

ONE thing for sure that this cafe has become our favorite. It takes a little while to get the food served but well, when you are with the right people, time just flies quickly. Their food and beverage is very cheap, the portions is big, the taste is awesome (we love each of our own food), the view isn't that bad, the weather is so chilly with lots of good spots to take photos too. So really, you don't need to think about anything, just bring the special ones to this highly recommended cafe! The cafe's signboard is kind of unnoticed in a way so does the building (too many cafes surround them), but look for this electricity tower and you are there! Hope you enjoy their food & beverage and the environment as much as we really do! ^______^

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